We believe that a teacher's enthusiasm, combined with high-quality resources, can greatly increase the likelihood of passing any exam.

100% Guarantee

We are proud to say that we guarantee that our students will pass their exams with flying colors. This promise is backed up by our smart, well-structured classes and exceptionally important online tools.

Experienced Teachers

All of our teachers are registered nurses with extensive experience in their fields, as well as having a passion for teaching and commitment to assisting their students by going above and beyond.

Detailed Classes

All of our teachers meticulously planned and woven the content for each of the classes offered at Edurayte Academy, guaranteeing that the students comprehend absolutely every single information quickly and effortlessly.

Online Quizes and Notes

Various online tools have been created that allow students to continue with their daily face-to-face lectures while also going over the learing material online, taking hundreds of quizzes, and watching dozens of educational videos from home.

RN-NCLEX Course Details

We offer 36 lectures over the course of three months, with face-to-face classes either online or in-person depending on your needs. Students can practise MCQ quiz tests online after attending their class, which are unlocked for 24 hours after each lecture. These online quizzes are broken down into 36 tests that must be completed within 24 hours after attending a class. The quiz results are automatically submitted. There are also five final quizzes made available after all of the lectures have been completed. A single exam-simulation quiz is also available, demonstrating real-exam-like features and that shuts-down at the 75th question just like the official RN exam if the student performs exceptionally well.
Click here to use RN online tools


Teacher's Notes
Video Courses
Daily Online MCQs Exams
Full Course MCQ Exams
Review Past Exams


REX-PN Course Details

Just like RN prep course, we provide 36 lectures to REX-PN students which run over the period of three months, with classes available online or in-person depending on your requirements. After attending their class, students can practise MCQ quiz tests online, which are unlocked for 24 hours after each lecture. These online quizzes are divided into 36 tests, each of which must be completed within 24 hours of attending a class. The quiz results are submitted automatically. After all of the lectures have been completed, there are five final quizzes available. A single exam-simulation quiz is also available, demonstrating real-exam-like features which randomly selects questions from a pool of over 1000 questions, and just like the official RN exam, shuts down at the 75th question if the student performs exceptionally well.
Click here to use RN online tools
Teacher's Notes
Video Courses
Daily Online MCQs Exams
Full Course MCQ Exams
Review Past Exams

CELBAN Course Details

Our CELBAN students are provided with the classes that last a month and are given excessive knowledge regarding the various modules in the course. Students can access the teacher's notes online on our website once they have enrolled and received a username. Furthermore, students can write their writing module answers directly on the website and submit them to the teacher. Students can also make use of the video courses on our website to gain a deeper understanding of topics. Lastly, please note that the resources provided by EDURAYTE  are up to date and extremely detailed.
Click here to use CELBAN online tools


Teacher's Notes
Video Courses
Submit Writing


IELTS Course Details

Our IELTS students are provided with the classes that last a month and are given excessive knowledge regarding the various modules in the course. Students can access the teacher's notes online on our website once they have enrolled and received a username. Furthermore, students can write their writing module answers directly on the website and submit them to the teacher. Students can also make use of the video courses on our website to gain a deeper understanding of topics. Lastly, please note that the resources provided by EDURAYTE  are up to date and extremely detailed.
Click here to use IELTS online tools
Teacher's Notes
Video Courses
Submit Writing

CELPIP Course Details

Our CELPIP students are provided with the classes that last a month and are given excessive knowledge regarding the various modules in the course. Students can access the teacher's notes online on our website once they have enrolled and received a username. Furthermore, students can write their writing module answers directly on the website and submit them to the teacher. Students can also make use of the video courses on our website to gain a deeper understanding of topics. Lastly, please note that the resources provided by EDURAYTE  are up to date and extremely detailed.
Click here to use CELPIP online tools


Teacher's Notes
Video Courses
Submit Writing


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This is the review

Akwinder Kaur

This is the review

Full Name

This is the review

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We guarantee that you will pass your exam
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Created By: R S Chahal All Rights Reserved